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Why You May Need To Consider Hiring A Nanny

Writer's picture: Admin Admin

Updated: Jul 9, 2020

Adapting to a New Norm

Before COVID-19, the average family used to depend primarily on their children’s schools and daycares as their means of “childcare”. A typical work day consisted of breakfast, packing lunches and kids in the car to drop one off at school and the other at ABC Learning Center. A shared 8 hours in which you would spend either on your feet all day or sitting down. (Both eventually becoming ridiculously uncomfortable after any given period of time.) Life was simple at least. There was a sense of routine and normalcy. Like nothing could ever go wrong. At least not overnight...right?

The “New Norm” As the world shifts, adapting to a new way of co-existing with one another is also shifting. Schools are preparing for physical adjustments to promote social distancing along with various health check procedures for all children and staff. Many parents are exploring the opportunity for completely home-schooling, while others try to envision scattered public school sessions and attendance-all while balancing their own jobs. Needless to say, this dilemma is brought up over dinner too many times. Depression and anxiety in both two-parent and single-parent households are at an all time high. Parents are in need of support systems not only ranging from family & friends but also their childcare village. For many parents, the fear of their children contracting the virus upon returning to public settings in general while health experts continue to figure out the virus, is simply non-negotiable. Some have voiced that they would rather not return to work since they are without reliable childcare. Others believe homeschooling is simply the best choice since their children can be safe at home utilizing technology and virtual platforms to help them learn. The problem with this is that for the little ones, preschools and daycares were originally designed for little people to come hang out and play. You know, socialize the toddler way! These basic yet so vital early years of our lives play a role in shaping who we become as adults. Parents who are opting out of their kids going back to classrooms in August have to find a way to factor in some social interactions in the weekly schedule to make up for the isolation. Hopefully your kids don’t require a Starbucks kids hot chocolate-hold thé whip & cookie pop each morning to start their day. (Although we’d be highly impressed if they did). But a nice play date with a toddler or two within their age range will do. (This could be great for parents to meet other parents as well.) There are tons of social distancing activities such as fruit picking, visiting a lake or park, or even petting zoos. You may have to remain 6 feet from your friends but at least you’re having fun.

By following proper sanitary procedures and CDC guidelines, households can maintain organization and order. The pandemic is not stopping families from having to work, nor are employers taking much if any considerations regarding employee’s personal lives. A helping hand in the household was once considered a high-end luxury, it is now emerging as the leading form of alternative childcare for many. Certain safety procedures include keeping the same nanny with the same family and encouraging communication should there be any contact with outside company, any fevers, symptoms of COVID-19, etc.

Hiring A Nanny

What Should I Pay My Nanny? Ideally, If you take care of your nanny, they’ll take care of you. With the changes going on around us, as you consider hiring a nanny for your family, consider what responsibilities you’d give them. Take into account the hours and schedules your nanny will be working as well and decide on a reasonable pay rate. In most cases, you’re able to directly discuss these things together prior to entering an employment agreement. Afterwards, it’s up to your nanny to commit and put her best foot forward as a new addition to the family.

Even in a middle of a pandemic, you can plan and organize your household to be stress-free in some departments- Childcare should be one of those stress-free departments. Choose Childcare that Works!

Cyn’s Play Place

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